CHAOS Lab Ph.D. candidate Eric Teitelbaum has temporarily relocated to the Singapore-ETH Centre to manage the engineering, design and research behind a sub-dewpoint outdoor radiant cooling pavilion. The system uses thermal windows to create cold surfaces that your body sees, but that are not directly in contact with the warm, humid tropical Singaporean air. It’s the first study of its kind, assessing how radiantly cooled occupants feel with an entirely radiantly cooled system. Stay tuned for updates!
Meggers presents paper at Indoor Air 2018
Meggers presented at Indoor Air in Philly on how shifting toward a radiant temperature driven thermal comfort model, air temperature setbacks can allow for beneficial shifts in the humidity.
Looking at conditions in Philly using Expanded Psychrometric chart from Eric Teitelbaum
SMART sensor spinoff – HEARTH LABS – launches with two DOE Pitch wins
Nicholas Houchois, Eric Teitelbaum, and Forrest Meggers have founded a company to bring the SMART sensor to market:
The company 2nd prize at the regional DOE Cleantech pitch competition for $15,000, and won the BTO prize of $35,000 at the national competition.
Presentations at SimAUD 2018 in Delft
PhD students Dorit Aviv and Hongshan Guo both presented papers at the SimAUD conference at TU Delft. Meggers was one of the scientific chairs and participated in a panel discussing radiant thermal comfort.
An indoor dehumidification system that uses 75 percent less energy was Awarded the 2018 Princeton’s IP Accelerator Fund
Research Article on Liquid Desiccant Technology Published in Energy and Buildings
Development of moisture absorber based on hydrophilic nonporous membrane mass exchanger and alkoxylated siloxane liquid desiccant. (2018) Energy and Buildings, 160, 34-43.
Jovan Pantelic, Eric Teitelbaum, Michael Bozlar, Soram Kim, Forrest Meggers
Celebrate Princeton Invention – November 11, 2017
Our group will attend the Celebrate Princeton Invention meeting this year and present our latest research on advanced sensors to measure Radiant Temperature for improved human comfort.
Princeton e-ffiliates – Annual Meeting – November 10, 2017
We are excited to attend the 2017 e-ffiliates meeting in the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment.
Prof. Meggers will be one of the speakers:
CHAOS Lab will present our most recent research during the poster session.
Meggers quoted in article on urban heat
Reuters published a great article on the challenges of urban heat. Prof Meggers was quoted on the challenges specific to our work with air conditioning systems in the urban environment.
4 papers presented Building Simulation Conference
The CHAOS team presented 4 papers at the International Building Simulation conference held in San Francisco.