All posts by Forrest Meggers

CHAOS hosts USGBC tour and lecture at Princeton

Forrest and the CHAOS team hosted the New Jersey chapter of the United States Green Building Council for a tour of campus buildings, including the new Architecture Laboratory and the Andlinger Center. Forrest delivered a lecture on Architecture-Engineering-Sustainability, and engaged in a lively dialogue on future potentials in the space between architecture and engineering amongst many practicing architects and engineers.

Link to the event:

Forrest presents at Symposium at University of Minnesota on (Re)Generative Architecture

Forrest presented on Oct 28th on a panel with Kiel Moe of Harvard GSD and Bill Braham of UPenn. The event titled “Sustainability is Dead: Architecture as a (Re)generator” questioned the role of architecture and the use of sustainability in the field. Forrest presented on the new possibilities for innovation in architecture by changing the design paradigms and perspectives on how heating and cooling should be accomplished in buildings.

Forrest meets with collaborators at Berkeley Center for the Built Environment

Forrest was invited to Berkeley for the annual meeting of the CBE including meetings with former collaborator in Singapore and at Princeton, Jovan Pantelic, in his new role as professional researcher at the Berkeley Center for the Built Environment. Research in advanced sensors, comfort, and radiant heating and cooing were all discussed, and current CHAOS research projects were well-received and many potential collaborations were initiated. Forrest also met with Prof. Ed Arens, who shares a mutual appreciation for the Olgyay research in Princeton in the 50’s and 60’s. Arens will be a Highlight Seminar speaker at the Andlinger Center Feb 8th.